Entered MTC March 17, 2010

Serving in the Fortaleza Brazil Mission

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

WOW! What a week!

It went really good this week, lots of work, but I enjoyed it. I went out a couple days with a member. Her name is Lais and she´s 19 years old. She wants to serve a mission really bad, so she´s been helping me. So what usually happens is this, I stay with S. Gonzaga and S. Black until after lunch, then at about 1:30-2:00 I meet up with Lais and I go to work with her until about 6:00pm. Then I meet up with Gonzaga and Black again and we work the rest of the night. It´s really good so far and Im enjoying it. I really miss Sister Bowden, but we´re having zone conference this week, so I´ll be seeing her then :)

So we´re working with so many good people right now. THere´s this family that we´re working with that are great! The wife smokes and drinks coffee, but she´s stopping and yesterday we went over there to make Cevada(barley) with her. It´s a substitute for coffee, it´s really good! And she loved it. She said she´s done with coffee and the cevada doesn´t give her the desire to smoke. She said when she drinks coffee, it´s makes her want to smoke. We were all so happy. We were actually working with another family this past week, but we had to cut them. We had gone into fortaleza to get them married, we were planning their baptism for this past saturday, but we went there on friday and the wife had smoked again and the husband had drank. We were so distraught!!! But we´re working with lots of other good people. There´s this man, Bernardo, he´s going to be baptized in june. We just have to get him and his wife married first, we´re doing that this week. We´ll start the process and in a few weeks they´ll be married and he´ll be baptized! Im really liking the area so far and the sisters that im working with. Hopefully we have another good week.

Alright and now for the crazy experience we had this week. Friday morning, I woke up put my clothes in the washer and started a load. Then me and S. Black started working out (me and S. Bowden started working out in aracati and now s black is doing it with me). One of the sisters went to take a shower and about 1 minute later she comes out and says we have NO WATER. I go to the washer and it had stopped filling up. SO picture this, all my whites in the washer, me and s black sweating like you wouldn´t believe and 3 other sisters that are needing to shower....and we have NO WATER. Our neighbors didn´t even have water, we couldn´t even use the bathroom and 2 sisters were sick, with the flu. Perfect scene, huh? And we were without water for 2 STRAIGHT DAYS! We have a grocery store right down the road and we were having to use the bathroom there. And the deal about showers.....well, we had mineral drinking water. Each of us filled up a 1 1/2 liter waterbottle and used that to take a shower. But that´s all we had so we had to use it wisely. We used it to wash our dishes, drinking....and my clothes sat in the washer for 2 days. Luckily they didn´t have a bad smell by the time the water came back, but oh my heavens, it was a crazy 2 days. Haha we just laugh about it now. :)

Oh! Other crazy thing......guess who was in Sister Black´s room at the MTC, in Provo????? SISTER KATHERINE TAYLOR. Small world huh?! S Black said she absolutely loved her, they became really good friends.
Well, I have to say sorry mom, because I didn´t even wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY last week......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) we were crossing the road last week and it hit me that i hadn´t said anything in my email last monday. Sorry :( But hope you had a good day! And Happy Birthday to Marissa and Whitney too!!!!
Hope you all have a good week and good luck joey at the talent show! Love you guys!!!

Love, Sister Ariana Salisbury

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