Entered MTC March 17, 2010

Serving in the Fortaleza Brazil Mission

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010

28 june 2010

Corianne is getting married?!?!?!?!? What?!?!? I didn´t even know she was dating someone. THat is so awesome!!!! Did you get an announcement? wow, i can´t believe it. And Chet passed away? wow, that must be tough. THat´s neat though that the parade will be dedicated to him. And no worries about the flood, i haven´t heard anything about it so im ok :) And yeah the calendars you sent will be good. Wow sounds like joey is pretty much running the farm these days haha i can´t believe he is baling hay. wow. So guess what?! i don´t remember if i told you about the couple we were working with Ancylia and Branco. THey have 3 little boys and one was already baptized. But they were baptized the 19th of june and they are so awesome. Their testimonies are already so strong and they will help this branch so much. And yesterday Ancylia was called to be Relief Society President!!!!! Me and Sister Gonzaga couldn´t believe it. Oh haha and by the way i didn´t get transferred...kinda forgot that part. Im really happy im staying in baturité. But yeah she was called as president. She´s already getting everything ready for it and planning things. SHe´s gonna do an amazing job! Something else that happened this past week. We were walking down the street and we ran into one of our old investigators(we ended up cutting her cuz she didn´t want to change) but anyways her dad had just died like 30 minutes before. SO we told her we would come and visit her and her mom. I think this will be a good time for them to come into the church and change. We went to their house and talked with them, and went over the plan of salvation with them again. We watched TOgether Forever with them also. THat was really good. THe mother said that Luis(the father) knew the gospel was true and he loved us coming to visit. I´m positive he will accept the gospel. ANd if the mother and daughter join the church they can take his name to the temple. THat would be really neat for them. Well, i need to go my time is just about up. Hope everyone has a fun time at the reunion. Tell everybody hi for me and give Grandpa a big hug and tell him i love him. I´m gonna write him a letter, so tell him he´ll be getting one! I love you guys!

Love, ariana

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010

Sounds like it´s a busy time right now for everybody! I still haven´t gotten the package yet, but we only get mail and packages on wednesday´s when we go to our district meetings. Well, the end of the transfer is coming up can you believe it?! This is my last week, I´m not sure if I´ll be transferred or not. We won´t know until Saturday night. I really want to stay here in Baturité at least one more transfer. I really love the people here. But I´ll go wherever the Lord needs me. The Branch is having a hard time right now. We had a meeting with the Branch President and the adults on sunday. President really needs help, the members are complaining about how things are disorganized, but they´re not willing to step in and help and that´s really frustrating. President França is so amazing though, he does so much for the Branch. He has a wife and two kids, a job, teaches seminary tuesday, wednesday and thursday nights(which he has to turn down some work because he´s having to teach seminary because no one else in the BRanch will), every single sunday he drives all over Baturité to pick everyone up for church. Him and his wife clean the church every saturday(the teenagers come sometime to help) but it´s really frustrating that members won´t help out. We´re going to have another meeting on sunday with the adults and try to figure something out.
Well, the language is coming slowly. This past week when we were teaching some people, they mentioned that my portuguese was getting better, so that´s a good sign :) Oh, guess what i made today?! Shortbread Carmel Cookies!!! They´re in the fridge right now, we´re gonna see how they turned out after this. I´m good on peanut butter right now, I´m saving my second one for my next transfer-trying to space it out haha
I´m glad my letters got there, I wasn´t sure what day Father´s Day was so I decided to send the letters soon. I´m glad Father´s Day was good :) I miss everyone lots!
It feels like I had to ask you something, but I can´t remember...oh well, let´s see I´m trying to think if anything really exciting happened this week. Oh! We baptized this family on saturday and they are so great! They´re already so strong in the gospel. It´s a couple and they have 3 kids. One was already baptized in an earlier transfer, the other two aren´t 8 yrs old yet, but the parents are so great, I love them! And the baptismal meeting was amazing. Me and my comp sang a special number and the wife was crying the whole time. The Spirit was strong. I love the feeling I get as I see the change in the peoples´ lives. Well I better go, I love you and hope all is well. Tell everyone hi for me :)

p.s. i remember what i was gonna ask you. Can you make copies of that paper you have mom, of the addresses of people in the ward and send that to me. It´s the one on your desk in the kitchen and it´s in a clear protector thing. i think it´s just one with all the women´s names. THat would be really nice to have. Thanks! I love you

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14, 2010

Ok, I don´t have a whole lot of time. But Hi everyone!!!! The weather is always nice here in Baturité :) Um I´m not quite sure how much the contact solution is, but I will check for sure and let you know. I really hope I get the other package, I miss peanut butter! We just finished the first peanut butter last week :( I got some pictures of it, I think you´ll like them. I sent letters to the family last week, so they´re on their way to you. I thought I wrote about my companion already, but I can´t remember. So my companion is Sister Gonzaga and she is Brasilian. She is from Parana. And yes she is hard worker so that´s good. She´s only been out 4 moths and already training me. My comp loved the cookies! She had never had them before and she was telling all the women in the branch about them. So they´re gonna have the recipe for No-Bake Cookies here in Baturité :) And I told President Batt about grandpa in my last letter, so next time i see him i will bring it up again. And yeah I can understand the people for the most part sometimes I look to my companion and ask what they just said, but I can pick things up and figure out what they said. The problem is actually "speaking" with them. I have a hard time just having a conversation with the people. I can teach just fine which is weird I just can´t "talk" with them. But I´m hoping that will come soon cuz i´m going on my 5th week already. And yes it´s winter or going into winter. I don´t know, i barely know what day it is here and i still haven´t figured out which way is north. It´s really hard to tell haha i know that´s really sad. We´re walking so much back and forth and here and there I forget which way the sun had come up that day. Anyways, this week was a little better than last. Last week was awful, we worked really hard and only 1 person showed up to church that we had been working with. So we decided to fast again this weekend and we had more people show up, so that was good. Oh, so I had a dream today when we were taking nap and i was getting transferred but we had to walk to our next area and i stopped at a hotel and i walked past a room and i heard mom´s voice and i go up to the window, and say "mom?" and you open the window and the whole family was here in brasil.It was so weird, but then i go in the room and we were home. Really weird haha well i gotta go, my time is up. I miss you all and love you!!! Sorry i didn´t get everything in your letter mom. But i love you!!! And i´ll write more next week. :)
p.s. i felt like i had to ask you something but i can´t remember...hmm that´s gonna bug me now. I´ll probably remember once i log off. Oh well...love and miss you!!!!!

**oh and i saw some pics from jande and Rochelle´s site looks beautiful wish i could have been there!

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010

Hey everyone!
Well everything is going well here in Baturité! We had our first zone conference this last week. It was really good, I had to share my testimony. All the new missionaries had to share and the ones leaving had to share also. It was really good and President and Sister Batt talked to us. Then afterwards they got us pizza. It was good, but it´s nothing like the states. States is much better. THey have chocolate pizza though and that is really good! :) And I hope Jennifer starts getting better, I fasted for her as well. I hope uncle Brian is doing ok. THat´s scary, he was in surgery...what did they have to put back together? And yes i got the letter from jason. Haha i didn´t know the sausage was made of that, but it´s really good!! And the brigadeiro...mmmm :) OH guess what?! I made no bake cookies today for my companion and they taste just like the ones at home. I was happy they turned out. My comp loves them! Oh and with the pictures can you send the family picture of Todd and Lora´s family and Travis and Meredith´s family, for some reason they are the only two families I don´t have in my photo album. And if you could, send me a calendar, i don´t care what it is. Not something too big, but just something i can see the days of the week and the months. I never know what day it is, it´s sad. haha and if it´s not too much. A list of birthday´s in the family. And speaking of birthday´s we have one this week! CHANDLER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I´m not there to throw you a big party, sorry ;) Haha hope you have a good day though! Well, the language is still coming, i jsut wish it would come a little faster. I´m trying not to get frustrated though. Oh, i got your package mom. THe one with contact solution and the CTR rings. THank you so much! Sister Batt was going to check if there was another package cuz she thinks there might be one more. If there is I should get it on wednesday. THanks so much for everything! I love all you lots! Good luck with spring ball boys and have fun! I´m running out of time cuz i had to write to President Batt. I wasn´t getting the emails at first so i just hand wrote the weekly letters to him. So that takes up some of my time now. I love you guys! I´m so grateful for this church and the opportunity I have to serve the Lord at this time. Even though it may be hard at times I think of everything that Joseph Smith went through and all the sacrifices he had to make to bring this gospel to the earth again, for US! And more importantly what the Savior did for us. He suffered for everything and died for us. ´The Lord has asked me to give 18 months to serving Him. Christ gave his LIFE for us, so I should be able to give this little amount of time for Him and his people that are searching for the truth. Stay true to the gospel and stay close to the Lord. I love you!

