Entered MTC March 17, 2010

Serving in the Fortaleza Brazil Mission

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dec. 27, 2010

So I hear you guys are still in Echo...probably stayed up all night cackling away, which means you didn´t have time to write to your daughter...but that´s ok I understand ;)
It was so good talking to everyone on christmas! I felt like I had been there with you all. Well Christmas here was really good. We made dinner Christmas Eve and had a gift exchange, it was lots of fun! For dinner we made chicken, rolled in corn flakes and seasoning(it was delicious!) potato salad, rice, farofa, grape juice mixed with sprite and then we had a delicious dessert that one of the members made for us. I got the recipe and will have to make it for you guys when I get home...it´s amazing! TAlked to you guys on christmas, had a christmas program that night at the stake center where some of us missionaries sang and played the piano and I saw a couple members from my last area that came to the program so it was good to talk to them for a little bit. So Christmas was really good and we were taken care of pretty well. We have so many treats in our house now, it´s unbelievable! Here they have this bread with chunks of chocolate, it´s really good...but within two days we had received 7! We gave one to some elders to have in their house, one to an old man in the street that we always see and we still have more in our house plus popcorn, candy, cookies, etc, etc...but it´s christmas time right? Only comes one time a year...thank heavens!
Well, not much else has changed since I talked to you guys and I pretty much told you everything. Hope all is well and you had a good time in Oregon. Give everybody a big hug for me. I love and miss you!!!
Love, Sister Salisbury

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dec. 20, 2010

Yep so I got transferred to the big city! It´s different, but I´m liking it so far. We were teaching a family this past week and they are golden! They got baptized yesterday and it was so amazing! They are so happy! Carlos and Patricia, they have two little boys and the oldest got baptized, Rodrigo. The younger one still has to wait a few years, Daniel, but the baptism was so special. Carlos had asked what they can do to help their boys prepare for missions! THis is honestly one special family!

So this area is about 25 minutes away from my last. And yes my comp is brasilian. We are working in a trio for now with sister gonzaga. The reason it´s this way is because there is an odd number of sisters so what president will do is find a member to work with sister gonzaga in her area. So it would be like going on splits, but she will stay with sister gonzaga...if that makes sense.

So the pictures I sent are from the day we all went to the beach with President and Sister Batt. It was so much FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, so I will be calling friday to make sure the phone works and confirm the time I will be calling. My plan is to call saturday at 10:00am your time, so it will be 2:00pm here in brasil. Friday I will be calling in the morning, most likely 7:00am your time. So please answer the phone!!!! :) And keep the phone free so I can get through to you.

I got my birthday packages! THank you so much. I´m pretty sure everything was in there. the big box got opened at customs, my guess is because of the weight. And one bag of hot cheetos had opened but I´m thinking because of the pressure it got popped open. But thank you so mcuh for everything. And my comps love the hand soap! :) I´m still waiting for the christmas packages but i´ll probably get them this week.

Quick question...someone here said they heard on the news that the tabernacle was on fire or something, i don´t know just something that I heard, just wondering if you heard anything....???

Oh and somehitng crazy, we had lunch at a members house the other day and she´s a WALKER!!!!!! Not sure if she´s related to any of the walkers in othello but she said that her family came from New England, thought that was pretty interesting. Her first name is Aida, maybe you could ask the walkers there if they have any relatives that they know of here in brasil.

Oh mom I forgot to tell you! When I was in my last area my neighbors were trying a diet, guess what it was...????? The soup diet!!!!!!!! I couldn´t believe it! I just laughed when I heard that, I told them that we all tried it and good luck! i thought it was pretty funny.

Well, I hope you all have a Feliz Natal and I can´t wait to talk to you guys on christmas! I love you and miss you very very much!!!!

Love, Sister Salisbury

ps don´t forget to tell brett the time I´ll be calling!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec. 13, 2010

So lately it has been crazy! Transfers were today and we were up til midnight packing and got up early today to finish. Me and my comp both got transferred to differnet areas. I am now in Monte Castelo with Sister Corrêa and Sister Gonzaga! Sister Corrêa is my actual comp and we live together with Sister Gonzaga(my trainer and first comp) so i was happy that we´re together again. We´ll be in a trio for a little bit until they find a member that can work with her. I don´t know exactly what will happen, but as for now we´re in a trio. So Monte Castelo is right next to the ocean, it´s beautiful! We´re in the city so it´s a bit different to what I´m used to, but it will be good.

Alright so I woke up this morning not thinking it was my birthday, but my comp had a present sitting on my desk with a card she had written...which was sweet of her. Then we had a ton of people at our house to see us off. Everybody was crying...I wanted to stay there at least one more transfer, I absolutely loved it there! I hope to get called back to that area some time later on in the mission. So all of this was going on and I completly forgot about my birthday. I got here in my new area and we went to get lunch and I was talking with my comp getting to know her more and she said she had her birthday last month and then at that moment I remembered and I said...."Oh yeah it´s my birthday today", and i laughed. They got all excited and started making plans to do all these things. But anyways, thank you all for the birthday wishes! i love you all so much, thank you!

So the reason I didn´t write a lot last week was because we had our P-Day with our zone. It was SOOOOOOO much fun! We had a bbq, played soccer, volleyball, celebrated a birthday for one of the elders had cake and ice cream, watched a movie and had a blast!!!!! I played so much volleyball and i knew i was going to regret it the next day....i was SO SORE! But I had a lot of fun!

So my comp now is the sister that was companions with the girl Stephanie Ririe is training...if that makes sense, it´s hard to explain things in english now :( but i guess that´s a good sign, right? The language is getting so much better, i still need to improve A LOT, but I´m glad I keep having brasilian comps because it helps so much!

I still don´t know when I´ll be calling you for christmas, but don´t worry I´m pretty sure I´ll be calling to tell you what time and everything and then I´ll call christmas day.
Today has been so strange, lots of things going on: birthday, transfers, new comps, goodbyes and it´s actually not pday today because president is taking us to the beach this friday for christmas. But he gave us permission to email. It was raining so much this morning too....very strange day! But it´s getting better.

Well, I hope all is well at home and I´ll be talking to you in 12 DAYS!!!!!!!! I can´t wait!!!!! I love you and hope you guys have a good week! Love and miss you!
Love, Sister Salisbury