Entered MTC March 17, 2010

Serving in the Fortaleza Brazil Mission

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6, 2010


Wow this week was crazy!

So we´re working with these two kids right, a girl and a boy, they´re cousins. They are honestly some of the elect! We´ve been teaching them and they just keep on progressing more and more. We have a baptism date and they were excited about and all and we warned them that now it´s really close to the baptism to stay strong and continue to read and pray every day because Satan will work his hardest to stop them from being baptized. Satan is NO JOKE people! The VERY NEXT DAY.....24 HOURS...we were already seeing a change. Friday night we taught them the 3rd lesson about the principles of the gospel. At the end of the lesson we said we wanted to move up their baptism date to sunday because they were ready. They said one more week, we thought, ok, we still need to teach them the 10 commandments, we can have family home evening with them and visit them each day (they live right above us) We said ok, and right as we agreed for the following week I had the worst feeling come over me and I though, nope this is NOT okay. The next day is when we started seeing the changes. Saturday night me and my comp were talking about them and thinking wow, a whole week and we´re seeing changes already. Then my comp says to me, "sister, right when we agreed to have their baptism next week i had a really bad feeling and felt that it needs to be this sunday".....i couldn´t believe it, i told her i had the EXACT same feeling. Right after that we went to talk to them. We told them that it´s very important for them to pray tonight(saturday night) the hardest they´ve ever prayed and ask if it be right to be baptized the following day. We told them after they say their prayer to wait and just listen for a couple minutes and that we would talk to them at church. THey said ok, we get to church and they didn´t show. We were really worried. We still are. WE´re going to talk with them though and see what´s going on. But wow! Goes to show you how hard Satan is working to keep people from having the gospel in their lives.

The language is still coming, being patient and just doing my best. We played volleyball today!!! I was super excited. I could tell I hadn´t played in awhile :( Then we played soccer afterwards...and honestly I think i played better soccer than i did volleyball. My first time actually playing REAL soccer....and i made 3 out of the 5 goals :) me and my comp played with 4 of the guys from the ward. It was lots of fun! Well i was going to send pictures this week, but the place where we usually go, the internet wasn´t working so we had to come to a place where it takes FOREVER and a day to load the pictures, so hopefully next week you´ll get the pics :) well i better go. sounds like everyone´s staying busy!!! Hope you guys have a great week! I love you all!!!!!!!

Love, sister ariana salisbury

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